Student Life

Updates to student organizations are forthcoming. For the most up-to-date information regarding student life or student organizations at HSDM, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at 627-432-2209 or email

Beyond the classroom, we encourage our students to actively participate in organizations that support their extracurricular interests and future careers. Below is a list of HSDM student clubs and organizations.

Academic Groups

Endodontic Study Group
The Endodontic Study Group brings members of the HSDM community together to explore issues and research related to the field of endodontics.  The group meets regularly to discuss clinical cases, treatment planning and sequencing, residency programs, endodontics in practice, and current literature.  In addition, the group aims to provide resources and training/enrichment opportunities for those interested in developing their skills in the field.

Perio Study Society
Holds events with invited speakers who are periodontists in private practice, research, academia, or a combination of all of these. Also, provides an opportunity for DMD and MD candidates to hear about research in periodontology, learn about careers in periodontology, and network with speakers and each other. 

Predoctoral Orthodontics Society
Works to expand predoctoral knowledge on orthodontic treatment and planning and promote interest in orthodontics at the HSDM community.

Prosthodontics Study Club
A study club for all students and residents interested in the specialty of prosthodontics. They meet to discuss treatment planning, discuss advanced topics in prosthodontics, and review literature. 

Scholars in Dental Education
The Scholars in Dental Education (S.D.Ed) program was created for predoctoral students who are interested in pursuing careers in dental education. The purpose of the program is to prepare dental students for academic careers upon graduation. The Scholars program is a longitudinal program spanning from a student’s second year in the DMD curriculum and aims to provide students interested in academic dentistry with a unique opportunity to engage in the three pillars of dental educational research, teaching, and curriculum initiatives.

Networking Organizations and Opportunities

American Dental Education Association (ADEA)
The American Dental Education Association (ADEA) is the voice of dental education. Harvard School of Dental Medicine has always been a leader in academic dentistry, and the HSDM Student Chapter of ADEA strives for continued excellence in all aspects of dental education and to build a community of students interested in teaching. Harvard ADEA focuses on three components:
  1. Careers in academic dentistry and dental education
  2. Improvement and advancement of HSDM’s own predoctoral curriculum
  3. Pre-dental outreach to undergraduate, high school, and middle/elementary students
American Student Dental Association (ASDA)
ASDA serves as both a branch of a national organization and the student government at HSDM. As part of National ASDA, HSDM ASDA is committed to advocating for the rights and welfare of dental students. Strives to introduce students to organized dentistry and provide networking and educational opportunities. As the student government, they organize social events, fundraisers and various other student-centered programming. 
HMS/HSDM African Health and Advocacy Group
The African Health and Advocacy Group aims to foster a community and support and network for African students and individuals with professional or cultural interests in Africa within the medical school. They are also dedicated to developing and maintaining social and professional relationships with other African student groups across the Harvard community. They plan to provide mentorship opportunities for members with other students, faculty, and practicing professionals in the Greater Boston area. The mission to raise awareness and provide a forum for rich and substantive discussions concerning health and human rights issues in Africa. In addition, they seek to link students with clinical, educational and research opportunities related to the improvement of health in Africa.
HMS & HSDM Student Council
The HMS/HSDM Student Council is elected by the student body each year to represent students from New Pathway, HST and HSDM curriculum tracks.  The Council consists of two levels of members: Executive Board members and General Members.   Members serve in a variety of capacities, including representatives for each academic Society and members of various HMS/HSDM working committees on curriculum and financial aid. 
HMS/HSDM International Student Organization
HMS/HSDM ISO aims a) to provide a community and support network for international students at HMS/HSDM, b) to connect HMS/HSDM students to other international students and student groups among the Harvard schools and other medical schools and c) to provide students at large the opportunity to learn about international medical system and overseas employment.
Oral Health Pursuit of Equity Network (OPEN)
A student chapter of the American Association of Public Health Dentistry (AAPHD) that strives to foster community consciousness based on public health principals via educational programming and direct volunteer action. They pursue oral health equity at all community levels: within the school, city, state and globally.
Practice Management Club
The business aspects of starting up and managing a dental practice can be challenging. The Harvard Practice Management Club educates and informs dental students of the issues and challenges in starting and managing a practice. 
Student Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
Works to expand predoctoral knowledge of pediatric dentistry and foster interest in the promotion of pediatric oral healthcare.


Community Outreach Opportunities

A.C.T.I.O.N (Action for Children and Teenagers in Oral Health Needs
The A.C.T.I.O.N. Program started at HSDM in 2009. It consists of a student volunteer-run pediatric dental clinic offered one Saturday per month at Windsor Clinic in Cambridge. Under the supervision of an attending dentist, 1st and 2nd year students assist 3rd and 4th year providers at the clinic. Since its inception, the A.C.T.I.O.N. Program has held over 30 clinic sessions, providing dental treatment to hundreds of pediatric patients totaling over 750 appointments. A.C.T.I.O.N. is one of the only clinical volunteer projects available to 1st and 2nd year students at HSDM. It is a great way to meet students from various years and to gain experience with pediatric patients. All three attending doctors are wonderful mentors and Saturdays mornings at the Windsor Clinic are always fun and rewarding.
Asian American Dental Association (AADA)
AADA provides services specifically targeted for the Asian-American population in Boston. Our goal is to promote oral health by participating in events such as the Chinese New Year Festival in Chinatown and the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month at the Boston Children's Museum. Volunteers will give presentations that educate people about the proper way to brush and floss, how to  maintain good oral health through diet, and the importance of dental visits. 
Operation Mouthguard
Operation Mouthguard provides a mouth guard free of charge to young athletes around the Boston area who would otherwise be unable to afford one. 
Project Bridge
Project Bridge is a student-run free dental clinic at Bridge Over Troubled Water (BOTW) in downtown Boston. Under the supervision of a volunteer dentist, dental students from the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and Tufts offer basic dental services such as exams, cleanings, basic restorative needs and oral health counseling. Through the Project Bridge Education component, we also offer health education sessions, which are given at the GED courses (offered by BOTW) during the day and also at the residential sites that are associated with BOTW. 

Social Groups

Tri­Service Military Dental Club
The mission of the club is twofold: to bring together the HSDM military scholarship students to learn more about applying to military dental specialty programs and preparing for active duty, as well as to provide volunteer services at the Boston VA Hospital. Club members (both medical and dental students) have the opportunity to shadow and assist the dentists and physicians providing care to the veterans. Members also participate in programs at the VA which seek to raise money for and expand dental care coverage to homeless veterans.
Dentists for Humanity
Dentists for Humanity provides opportunities to connect with dental students and faculty at other institutions, and practicing dentists in the greater Boston area, by joining domestic and international dental mission trips.
LAHMS is the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and allies organization at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Dental Medicine. The group increases visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people; provides a forum to discuss issues particular to being an LGBTQ-identifying healthcare practitioner; fosters awareness of the needs and concerns of LGBTQ patients; ensures sensitivity in the HMS/HSDM curriculum and inclusion of queer health topics; and to develop a welcoming and supportive community among students, faculty, and staff. LAHMS sponsors films, speakers, workshops, and social events.