Dr. Mohamed Masoud, HSDM lecturer on Developmental Biology and clinical associate in the Faculty Group Practice, was recently honored with an Eleanor and Miles Shore Fellowship. The Shore Fellowship offers junior faculty at HSDM and HMS financial support during a critical time in their academic careers. Fellowships are assessed for academic promise and personal need. Individual Shore Fellowships generally provide $30,000-$50,000 of funding per year.
“I was honored to receive the Eleanor and Miles Shore Fellowship in honor of Aina Auskaps, DMD,” Dr. Masoud said.
Dr. Masoud has been working on developing the use of 3D photogrammetry for orthodontic diagnosis, and intends to use the fellowship to further these efforts.
“Receiving this award will help fund several orthodontic resident research projects to develop age and race specific standards for orthodontic patients. We expect this to accelerate the use of this method in clinical practice, and hopefully reduce our dependence on radiographs for orthodontic diagnosis,” he said.