A newly redesigned Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HSDM) website made its debut this week. The new website launches after a year of thoughtful planning and work by the project team, with the goal of making improvements to the design, navigation, and overall usability for visitors and regular users of the site.
The redesign reflects several goals identified by the project team:
- To increase interest in HSDM from prospective students and provide clearer information for current students
- To bring the Harvard Dental Center website within the HSDM website and increase its visibility to patients
- To clearly highlight news and events from HSDM
- To prominently highlight faculty research
- To provide clearer pathways and functionality to aid in navigation and web usability
- To implement a responsive design that will work seamlessly on mobile devices
- To implement Harvard University branding standards
Harvard Web Publishing (HWP), part of Harvard University Information Technology, worked closely with a core group of HSDM staff and faculty to identify goals, inventory content, develop designs, and migrate initial content. The site was built in OpenScholar, an open source platform designed for academic environments.
An online survey will provide opportunity for user feedback in the weeks to come. The site will continue to grow, and more features will be added with input from the community.