A Celebration with Dean William V. Giannobile

September 23, 2022
group of Harvard leadership at celebration event

On Wednesday, September 21, HSDM alumni from all generations gathered to celebrate Dean William V. Giannobile for an evening of reconnection and appreciation at the HMS New Research Building in Boston. The event, hosted by the Harvard Dental Alumni Association, was one of the first opportunities for many alumni to meet Dean Giannobile in-person since he started his deanship in September 2020.

This festive evening was a reunion for many alumni coming back together and reconnecting with the School. Close to 100 alumni were in attendance. Speakers included Sang Park, MMSc01, Associate Dean for Dental Education; Dean George Daley, AB82, MD86, Dean of Harvard Medical School; Dean William Giannobile, DMSc96, PD96; Miguel Roque, DMD16, MMSc19, President of the Harvard Dental Alumni Association; and Harvard University President Lawrence S. Bacow, JD76, MPP76, PHD78. Dean Srikant Datar, AM96, of Harvard Business School was also in attendance.

President Bacow shared his optimism for the future of HSDM under Dean Giannobile’s leadership. He praised Dean Giannobile for all he has done throughout the pandemic to keep HSDM at the forefront of clinical care and dental education during a challenging time.

Dean Giannobile spoke to many facets of his leadership of HSDM over the past two years. One area he touched on was HSDM’s new strategic plan, which will guide the School over the next three to five years. The priority areas include, propelling Education and Discovery, advancing Diversity and Vibrancy, fostering Community Purpose and committing to a Culture of Care.

“The energy in the room was palpable and the University support of HSDM was tremendous,” said Roque. “The evening represented a true ‘One Harvard’ model. We are so grateful for all the alumni who came from near and far to attend and reminisce with one another.”

Dean Giannobile concluded the evening by saying, “I thank you for showing your support for the School by attending tonight. You are important partners in our mission, and I look forward to engaging with you to hear about your hopes for the future of HSDM. This is an exceptional community, and I’m grateful to be a part of it.”

View photos from the event

See also: Alumni Event