Emergency On-Call

Dental residents are on-call for emergencies for patients of record at the MGH Division of Dentistry’s two practices. Emergency calls are taken from home and therefore, it is recommended that residents live within a 30-minute commute to the MGH. There is always an assigned attending on back up call in the event that residents need consultation. Emergency call coverage by dental residents for the MGH Division of Dentistry is every other week throughout the entire year.

In addition, general practice residents will assist oral surgery residents on emergency call during the dental resident's 2-month oral surgery rotation. This emergency call duty is in-house and not taken from home. There are call rooms available for resident use in the hospital. The range of experience will include odontogenic infection, facial infection, and facial trauma. 


  • To learn emergency diagnosis and management of acute dental problems
  • To learn emergency work up, diagnosis, and management of facial infection and trauma.