DMD Program Financial Aid

Investing in your dental education is one of the most important financial actions you will take. While the cost of dental education has risen steadily in recent years, a dental student can make responsible choices to finance his or her education.

At Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HSDM) we realize the complex terms and conditions of loans and financial aid policies can be confusing. We have developed the Financial Aid Handbook, which is designed to help familiarize you with our policies, to explain how you can apply for financial aid at Harvard School of Dental Medicine and to help you develop a strategy for financing this undertaking before dental school begins.

Financial Aid Manual

At the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, we make every effort to assist you and your family in making a Harvard University dental education a reality for you. We encourage you to contact Financial Aid should you need any assistance during any part of the application process. We look forward to working with you throughout your years at HSDM.


The Harvard School of Dental Medicine does not discriminate against applicants or students on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry or any other protected classification.